Bacchum City is being plagued by the maniacal Jerker who sets in motion a plan to steal all of the pornography in the land. He keeps it locked away in his phallically styled helicopter, waiting for th">Bacchum City is being plagued by the maniacal Jerker who sets in motion a plan to steal all of the pornography in the land. He keeps it locked away in his phallically styled helicopter, waiting for the townsfolk to become consumed in sexual anxiety. But Wendy Wane, a strip club mogul by day, slips into her seductive alter ego Batbabe at night to combat the evils[i HD Video] of The Jerker and his clown henchmen. Aided by hopelessly incompetent Commissioner Boredom and sexy lesbian District Attorney Henrietta Bent, Batbabe must summon the courage to continue promoting her standard random ten-minute promiscuities and corner The Jerker before he forces her to permanently retire.巴克姆城正被一个疯狂的混蛋所困扰,他发起了一个计划,要在这片土地上偷走所有的色情作品。他把它锁在他那架风格独特的直升飞机里,等待镇上的人在性焦虑中消耗殆尽。但是温迪·韦恩,一个白天脱衣舞俱乐部的大亨,在晚上偷偷溜进了她迷人的另一个自我蝙蝠侠,与这个混蛋和他的小丑追随者的邪恶作斗争。在无可救药的无能专员无聊和性感的女同性恋地区检察官亨丽埃塔本特的帮助下,Batbebe必须鼓起勇气继续推广她标准的10分钟随机性滥交,并在他强迫她永久退休前,将这个混蛋逼入绝境。[i HD Video] H版蝙蝠侠,限制级电影H版蝙蝠侠高清版手机在线观看。

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