Twenty-four years before winning an Academy Award for his affecting musical drama Departures, director Yojiro Takita took the helm for this quirky Pinku eiga about a veteran detective searching for a priceless pearl. The world's largest black pearl has vanished without a trace, and it's up to Detective Ippei to track it down. His only clue is the mysterious words of a dying man...

  1. 女士邀请函2 Rate:10.0
  2. 飞行员2024 Rate:10.0
  3. 醉后一拳 Rate:10.0
  4. 插翅难飞 Rate:10.0
  5. 鬼眼 Rate:10.0
  6. 天涯明月刀1976 Rate:10.0
  7. 拳击 Rate:10.0
  8. 青春万岁1969 Rate:10.0
  9. 春暖花开1968 Rate:10.0
  10. 象牙塔 Rate:10.0